Hynek Schlawack
Act 1: Development
- Example - attrs/.github/CONTRIBUTING.rst
- Encouragement → Everyone can contribute.
- Workflow outline
- Code, test, docs and changelog standards
- Local development environment setup
- Expectation in behavior
- GitHub - Adding a code of conduct to your project
- Run test through tox: test on different environment
- make sure that the user runs exactly the same test commands as the CI
- Having a high test coverage
- Checkers
- flake8
- mypy
- check-manifest
- twine: check pypi long description
- Autoformatters
- pre-commit
- Documentation
- slice and dice your README in your Sphinx docs to avoid information duplication
rst .. include:: ../README.rst :start-after: string-1 :end-before: string-2
* Read the Docs
Act 2: Pull Request
- checklist
- Example
- Continuous Integration
- Community
- Stack Overflow
- async community
- searchable
- Stack Overflow
- Maintainer
- Say thank you to your contributors
Act 3: Release
- Use ISO 8601 (e.g.,
) for datetime - test.pypi
- How to maintain release information?