Radoslav Georgiev
Team Leader's perspective
- Productivity
- Confidence (keep product stable)
- Independence
- Well-being
- Less context switching
- Someone being blocked
- Morale
Software Development
- constant regression
- constant merge conflicts
- split python modules by domain
- split big test files into test file per thing that you are testing
- local setup
- accounts
- make sure everyone has an account/access/keys for everything needed before they need it
- keep a spreadsheet of accounts & 3td parties
- documentation
- relentlessly document
- test it
- onboarding new people is your final test
- setup scripts
- accounts
- speed of tests
- pytest-xdist
- Clients often don't know the exact details of the things they want, so ask them a lot of questions!
- Make sure everyone on your team reads the features description fully, before starting to work.
Explicit is better than implicit
- Bug
- Have an explicitly "firefighter" for the week
- Rotate everyone on that position
- Explicit Git & GitHub workflows
- Refactoring PRs separated from feature PRs
- Team rules
- Better visibility at explicit expeetation
- Onboard new people
- Have an explicit team lead
- leads should focus on enabling their teams do their job well
- Rotate team leads every week, so everyone knows what its' like to be on that position.
- Conflict
- over communicate with all parties involved
- Read books on management & leadership
- Adapt
- Establish processes but don't follow them blindly.
- Things change.