Dmitry Figol
- Docker Concept
- Optimize Goal
- Reducing image size
- Reducing build time
- Priority
- Fast build during development → Use slim-stretch
- Small size during production → Use alpine
build deps are only needed when compiling but not runtimeImprovement
- Use specific
statement instead ofCOPY ..
delete build deps doesn't shrink image size
- Docker Layer
- Instructions create read-only layers
- A new layer can't be smaller than the previous layer
- Layers are cached and can be re-used for subsequent builds
- Layers introduce some overhead
- Tips
- Combine multiple RUN statements into one
- delete files in the same layer (instruction) where they were added
- arrangement statement from the least changing to the most changing (system-level -> tools -> Python deps -> source code)
- don't save deps to cache
- pip:
- apk:
- pip:
complicate Dockerfile and no cache during build
- Docker multi-stage
- Build an intermediate image with all build deps and install your app
- Copy the result to a fresh image
Other Tips
- Bind mount source code instead of COPY in local dev env
-> print to stdout without bufferingPYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1
-> no*.pyc